
Crystal Moselle & Derrick B. Harden Workshop Replay

Our live event with Crystal Moselle (dir: Sundance’s The Wolfpack, Magnolia Picture’s Skate Kitchen, HBO’s Betty) and Derrick B. Harden, the directors of the recent breakout film The Black Sea, which premiered at SXSW.

Here is the trailer:

They detail their process of green-lighting themselves, through a combination of self-financing, inspiring funders and turning down production companies that were moving to slowly for them.

They talk through their process of writing, casting, shooting, and editing this completely improvised feature film. Including how to find actors and locations when shooting on the fly.

They broke down exclusive clips from The Black Sea that attracted investors and propelled them to premiere at SXSW.

To connect with Crystal Moselle, find her on IG:

To connect with Derrick B. Harden, find him on IG:

Find showtimes of The Black Sea here:


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